Treatment methods for Bacterial Vaginitis

Bacterial Vaginitis also known as Vaginosis, is an infection of the vagina which is caused by
excessive growth of the bacteria called Gardnerella vaginitis. Which is already present in the vagina. Gardnerella vaginitis is not solely responsible for this problem. When these different species of bacteria are imbalanced the vaginal discharge gives out a foul fish like odor.

The vagina should have a certain amount of lactobacillus (lactic acid bacteria), which makes the vagina slightly acidic which prevents other bacteria from growing.

Excessive discharge and foul fishy odor are the most common symptoms of this disease.

Even though the exact cause is unknown this disease mainly spreads through sexual intercourse, douching, use of intrauterine birth control device (IUD), sometimes a vaginal deodorant can cause this.

It is one of the most common types of vaginal infection found in women. Even though there are quick remedies and medicines for this disease. If not treated on time it can be very dangerous. It may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometritis, cervcitis, pregnancy complication and post-operative infection.

Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginitis

• A good hygiene regime becomes very important if you want to stay away from bacterial vaginitis.

• Wear clean and properly washed cotton underwear because the detergent residue may just cause an itching problem.

• Always wipe from the front to back whenever you visit the toilet to avoid the transfer of germs from rectal to genital area.

• If you like to soak in the bathtub see to it that it is properly cleaned and disinfected as it is
a great place for germs to live.

• Have a warm bath, if possible without soap as the scented additives may cause irritation to the genital tissue. Soap removes natural oils from your body and also makes you defenseless against the germs. This aggravates your problem of vaginal infection.

• Drink at least a cup of pure cranberry juice everyday to fight this bacterial disease.

• Having eight-ounces of yoghurt everyday, keeps women away from frequent problems of bacterial vaginitis or vaginosis. The acidophilus bacteria present in the yoghurt helps to create a healthy slightly acidic bacterial environment. Consuming kefir would be even better as this has a wider range of bacteria species.

• If your vagina is swollen you can use plain tea bag soaked in water, cooled in refrigerator to be applied externally to prevent itching. The tannin in tea gives a soothing touch.

• You can also use a cold compress which will reduce the swelling and any itching of the vagina. The cooling factor squeezes the blood vessels and prevents it from swelling and turning red.

• Avoid tight clothes, try to wear cotton underwear which absorbs moisture and provide good air circulation. This keeps your skin dry, bacteria love moisture.

By reverse engineering how we became ill, we can help to prevent reinfection in the future. Use this common sense method, and you can be sure to stop the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis. Next time I will recommend some home remedies to get rid of bacterial vaginosis, without the mess and expense of going to the doctor! Bacterial vaginosis alternative treatments. Alternatively you can click on the image below to access my Ebook BV Straight Talk by Mary Malone.


Important: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following the instructions on the home remedies from this article. Don’t use any of these products if you are allergic to them. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site this article is published on or the writer.