Tag Archives: program

Your new 6 week training program

I’m dropping you a line right now to let you know that we have just released our brand new 6 week training program: Renegade Strong.

Let’s be honest…

You’ve followed all the typical advice before…

Isolation exercises are useless.
Always do full body workouts.
Compete every day.
Always train to failure.
High reps are useless.
Cardio will kill your gains.
Always train to failure.
Getting a pump doesn’t matter.
Always do big compound exercises first.
What you’re over 35.

Of course you know. You’ve tried it all time and again. How far has it gotten you?

The reality is that your physique never dramatically changes. Your joints always hurt. If you gain any muscle you get fatter at the same time. The frustration sets in and the cycle repeats itself.

It’s time to stop all the insanity.

Get on a program that goes against conventional wisdom. A training program that doesn’t wreck your joints, crush your testosterone levels and lead to more frustration.

With the Renegade Strong training programe you get

A fully detailed 6 week workout plan
The ultimate pre workout warm up that will prime your body for maximum performance.
The precise order in which to do your exercises for the best results
All sets, reps, rest periods laid out for you with no guesswork
The exact way to combine strength, size and speed into one workout
How you should train your biceps more often… without damaging your elbows
A scientifically planned progression scheme that will help you hit new PRs without the injuries
Two exercises you have to do before squatting
What to do for those achy shoulders
The absolute best exercise for building massive traps
The 8 things you must do during every set to get the most out of it
A 1 minute technique that will is dramatically going to enhance your results
The 1 important thing you have to avoid during your workouts.
How best to schedule your strength and conditioning workouts to ensure the fastest progress.
The 8 best techniques that will help you recover FAST
Start Renegade Strong today and transform your physique in the next 6 weeks.

Get better every day,
Jay Ferruggia
PS. Download Renegade Strong Here.

Jason Ferruggia build bigger traps

When you ask the question of how to build big traps, the discussion usually starts and finishes with dead lifts. This is the number 1 mass builder, and it will pack huge slabs of beef on your traps faster than any other exercise there is. Take a look at power lifters, and you will see that you cannot avoid building huge traps when you do a lot of dead lifts.

While the dead lift is definitely the king of all trap building exercises, an argument could also be made that Olympic lifts are equally as effective. I would tend to agree with this, if it were not for the fact that Olympic lifts are much harder to teach and learn than dead lifts are, which moves them down to second place on the list. Just about everyone can do at least a partial range dead-lift properly. Not everyone is able to clean or snatch properly.

Finally, you have shrugs. While it’s supposed to be a very simple and straight forward movement there is actually a great deal of confusion over how to build big traps with shrugs. Can you believe that few people seem to be able to agree on how they should be done. On the one hand you have the camp that says you need to go as heavy as possible, and do partial reps, just by heaving the weight up. Of course there’s the camp that says you need to go light, by getting a full range of motion, try to get your shoulders as close to touching your ears as possible, and hold it for at least a second.

So who is right and who is wrong? – they both are!.

To try and understand where the answer lies lets take a look at the athletes with the biggest traps: power lifters and Olympic lifters

Power lifters have huge traps because of all the dead-lifts they do. Dead-lifts are heavy duty. There is no shrugging movement at all. Olympic lifters usually lift relatively lighter weights explosively, and with a range of motion that does indeed have them bringing their traps to their ears.

Looking at these two groups, what does this tell us about shrugs and the proper way to do them?

What it tells us is, the best way to get huge traps is to dead lift and also Olympic lift.

BUT… what if you can not do either of those exercises due to back or shoulder problems, or you just want more to have more variety in your trap training routine? Then you have little or no choice but to shrug. Traps are the most important, the most intimidating, and the impressive body part there is and you can’t walk around with none.

So then, exactly how do you do shrugs and which camp is right? To a certain extent they both are. Occasionally you should try going heavy for low reps, cheat the weight up. Then on another day of the week go lighter for higher reps with a complete range of motion and exaggerated contraction and hold at the top.

I suppose another option is to do both variations in one workout. You could always start with a lighter weight, doing about 10-12 reps, bringing your shoulders as high as they can comfortably go. With each set add extra weight, and work your way down to the point where you can only get five partial reps, with a little cheat at the end. You could start with the heavier sets first, and lighten them as you go.

Dead lifts and Olympic lifts should always be your first answer to the question of how to build big traps. But sometimes shrugs can be very effective as well. Be sure to go straight up and down, and don’t roll your shoulders back and forth. That’s for idiots who don’t have a full understanding of how gravity works.

Jason Ferruggia is a world famous fitness expert who is world renowned for his ability to help people build muscle as fast as possible. He is the head training adviser for Men’s Fitness Magazine where he has his own monthly column dedicated to muscle building. For much more info on How to Build Muscle Fast, check out muscle gaining secrets.

C-section to Bikini Ready, 7 day jump start recipe

Hi my name is Courtney, and I can’t believe I am actually going to feel good about wearing my new bikini on vacation in April! Considering where I was less than a year ago. Since giving birth to my beautiful baby daughter. I have been following the guidelines to the 7 day Jump start recipe program for 5 weeks now. I have lost the last 12lbs from my pregnancy and I’m keeping it off! My baby is now 10 months old and I am so happy! I didn’t think I would get back in shape after a difficult pregnancy, gaining almost 65lbs, and then an emergency c-section! I have got the diet down!
That is when I reached out to my friend Natalie Jill. Who is a licensed sports nutritionist and personal trainer.

Natalie has been a close friend for over 6 years, and I had done here make-up on several occasions the past year or so when she started fitness modeling. I have seen first hand how passionate she is about health and fitness. She works incredible hard and is a mother herself. I knew Natalie would understand my needs, fears and concerns.
She introduced me to her Jump Start recipe program. Eventually I reached my goal of being under 140, I have exceeded it and am now 135lbs, and I lost roughs 12 lbs. I am not trying to be a fitness model, just a mom wanting to be the best I can be for my Daughter and Me.
Natalie Jill Fitness 7 day jump start recipe
Thank you so much! I now live a much healthier lifestyle – Courtney

The realities of fat burning foods

It’s time for a quick trick that will help you safely lose 10 pounds in a short space of time. But first let’s talk about a serious health problem – weight gain with aging. Here is some truths about fat burning foods.
Did you know that runners between the ages of 18 and 50 gain weight at the same rate regardless of the number of miles run per week. The average is 3.3 pounds every 10 years…for a runner. Weight gain as you age is inevitable.

It’s part diet, part exercise, and part gravity. If runners can’t keep weight off by running, what are the rest of us supposed to do? Since we can’t turn off gravity, we going to have to work on the other two.
I have a simple solution that will help you start losing weight safely and naturally. I use it every day. Something to do with healthy eating.

We have a common enemy, everyone that is. That common enemy is processed foods and their condiments. The amount of junk in the form of added sugar in today’s factory-made food, adds to our waistlines, and our western world obesity problem. Life could be so different if we dieted with healthy foods.

It’s one of the reasons I am so passionate about healthy eating.

Let me ask you 3 simple questions:

1. Do you struggle to add green vegetables to your diet?, add some Broccoli, it goes with just about any meal.

2. Do you add unhealthy condiments to veggies? Ketchup, yuk read the ingredients

3. Do you want to lose weight eating healthy food that tastes great?, add a side salad with a little Olive oil

Did you answer “Yes” to any of these questions?

If so, I have a simple solution for you.

And, it’s the exact same solution I use.

Find out exactly what I’m talking about here.

Imagine what it would feel like to lose 5 pounds, 10, 20 pounds.

I remember when I started eating healthy, and lost my first 10 pounds… what an amazing feeling.

– It felt amazing to put on my jeans without struggling.

– The people around me started making comments about how fantastic I looked.

– I was ever so excited about heading to the beach with the family.

Its alright, it’s not your fault. The processed foods that we have been force-fed with for so many years have made it virtually impossible to keep the weight off.
You can read more ideas and tips like the ones above in Mike Geary’s ebook the Fat Burning Kitchen which is packed full of nutrition advice, and healthy lifestyle.